Friday, February 9, 2007


I really don't want to depend on age guides because I think it could be limiting and could put unnecessary pressure on me and the boys but sometimes it helps with choosing what activities to do with the boys, on how they perceive things and on how we could maximize our days and weeks. I will edit this list from time to time when I find other likely addition to the guide.


AGE 3:
Personally, I think that three is a much more trying time than two. The joys are greater but so are the trials. Such is life. All of my three year olds have been "testing limits". This is a time of laying the ground work for years to come. Not a responsibility to take lightly. They are so intelligent at this age.
The three year old takes off physically by using pedals on a tricycle, standing on one foot or even hopping. This age group feeds themselves very well, puts on their own clothing (including buttons)! Three year olds "enjoy" having a body and love to be physical whether in affection or in play. Most will even enjoy using their bodies during a tantrum.
Three year olds are usually very easy going and don't mind change. They enjoy having friends to play with and thrive in brief group activities. Three year olds love to be "helpers" and take verbal instruction well.
A three year old should be able to tell you simple stories and communicate their needs. Most children love music at this age and will even start quoting you nursery rhymes. They have a great memory and can sing whole songs by themselves or tell whole stories out of short books (word for word).

AGE 4:
A four year old is usually capable of using scissors, skipping or hopping on one foot, drawing a person and has a lot of physical energy. These children are very willing to try new things. This is a great time to expose children to gymnastics and other sports.
The four year old is sure of themselves and will often try things they know to be wrong just to get an adults attention. Loves to play with friends and likes short games.
The four year old communicates very well and uses complete sentences. You may find that you are being "interrogated" because of so many questions but this is completely normal. Four year olds love to use their imagination, love to draw and are very creative. The four year old needs many opportunities to use and develop this creativity.

AGE 5:
The five year old has really come a long way physically. They are hopping, skipping, balancing, skating, riding scooters and other simple devices. The five year old should be able to learn how to tie their shoes. Conquering such tasks as tying shoes is a huge ego boost for the five year old child.
A healthy five year old is well-adjusted, loves to be at home, loves their mother, and can handle being reprimanded within reason (can take criticism). Five year old children need and thrive with rules. They rely on rules to know where they stand, rules are predictable.
Five year olds are very friendly and love to play with others. They enjoy all games and learning new things. Five year old children become aware (take pride in their appearance) of how they look. This is a great time to teach about hygiene and personal care. The five year old wants to have responsibility.
Five year olds should be talking your ear off. They should inquire what words mean, they should know all of their colors by now and should know reality from fiction. These children are very interested in the world around them. They need to talk about their environment in order to understand the world around them.