Thursday, February 8, 2007


After I read this letter from Cathi, I suddenly felt relieved. Sometimes, when a day is about to end, I panic and think, "What did the boys do today? Did they do something educational? Did I just let them laze the day away? Should I have let them do more activities?" I know, I can get really crazy with things like this. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. But after reading this letter, I know I'm on the right track. My boys are healthy, happy and eager to learn. They love to read, they love to learn new things and they are full of energy and life. What more could I ask for at this time in their lives?


First Things First
Posted by Cathi in HI

You asked, "shouldn't I be doing more to prepare my 4-year-old for school?" What you are doing now is much more important than any academic curriculum. Please relax and know that you are laying the foundation for many years of enjoyable and successful home schooling by concentrating on character, discipline, and order during these early years. If you wait two years to begin any formal education and just work on developing obedient, cheerful children and a spirit of cooperation in the family, you will be light years ahead of the family who begins academics at age 4 but has little control over the children.

Rest in the season in which God has placed you. Do all the research necessary for you to make good decisions about academics, but please don't "jump the gun" and shortchange the current season.