Thursday, May 17, 2007


I got this book for Ethan. He has this tendency to doodle in Nikki's workbooks which irritates Nikki and makes the workbooks messy. With this book, he could doodle and scribble as much as he can and just wipe them away. He had this book for a week now and he brings it with him everywhere he goes. He just loves it a lot. This book cost P60 and that's a pretty good price, if you ask me. I plan to get him several more Write and Wipe books. Hopefully, this will allow him to write more freely and learn more on his own. And maybe this will curb his tendency to write in Nikki's workbooks. =D

Here's Ethan, identifying the things on the page. Lately, he's been obsessed with coconut trees and banana trees so this page is his favorite. His latest project is trying his best to draw a coconut tree.

A couple of pages. Nikki answered the maze without any problems at all. =D