Monday, August 20, 2007


The other day, Nikki and I had some fun with disposable cups. We got the idea from an episode of Out of the Box on Playhouse Disney and I told Nikki it would be nice to do the crafts idea there. They made some animal noses out of the cups and it looked like a lot of fun and was easy to do (which appealed to me). In the episode, they made an elephant's nose, a pig's nose and a duck's nose. But after we made all those, Nikki wanted a cat's nose as well so I had to improvise. I must say it turned out pretty well. =D
Some photos:

Here's Nikki with an elephant's nose. He was giggling when I took this picture. He thought he looked silly. There's Ethan behind Nikki, playing some online games (at the sesame street site) on the computer.

Pig's nose! Oink! Oink! Snort!

Not a bad cat's nose, aye? I was not able to take a photo of the duck's nose but that one was cute as well. =D