Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We found this project in Nikki's book, The Reader's Digest Children's Atlas to the Universe. Since it looked like an easy and fun activity (big plus for me), I thought it would be nice to do that one rainy afternoon. Fortunately we did not have to make the planets from scratch. I bought him a glow-in-the-dark set months before and I thought it would be a good idea to use them for this activity. Nikki really had a lot of fun even if I did the tying. He was so proud of his work, he showed it to his dad and let me hang it by the window. I'm so glad.
Some photos:

Instructions on how to make the mobile.

The materials.

Nikki lines up the planets to make tying easier for Mommy.

The finished mobile. "It looks great, Mommy!"

The mobile's current home.